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A GamejamKlujam 2022 production by Schattenrose (11 years) and Pantherchen (12 years) - the youngest participants in this gamejam.


Your hero has stolen a cursed sapphire but then lost it himhelf.  His punishement  is to find and bring the valuable gem back - which leads him onto a dangerous journey, 

You can access the game through this link - START GAME

Feel free to share your love and comments!


  • All dialogs in this game are in German language.
  • This role-playing game has been created with RPG Playground
  • RPG Playground does not support embedding - please use the link. 

LTR (sort by age asc): Rising gamestars Schattenrose, Pantherchen and their gamecoach PantherCD


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It’s so fun to play!